CanadianSME Small Business Podcast

Navigating Talent Management: Insights from David Lahey

Episode Notes

This episode of the CanadianSME Small Business Podcast features David Lahey, President & CEO of Predictive Success Corporation, as he delves into the intricacies of talent optimization and leadership in the digital age. With an extensive background that includes an MBA from the Smith School of Business and graduate work at Harvard and the University of Toronto, David brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. Through Predictive Success Corporation, David has championed the integration of predictive analytics and behavioral insights to forge high-performing teams and innovative business strategies, earning significant accolades along the way.

Key Highlight Points:

Our heartfelt thanks go to David Lahey for sharing his profound insights and experiences with us. His expertise in building elite teams, embracing generational dynamics, and employing behavioral analytics for talent optimization provides our listeners with invaluable strategies for leading successful and adaptive businesses.

We also express our gratitude to our partners—RBC, UPS, Xero, and Constant Contact—for their support in bringing these enriching discussions to our audience. For more empowering content, remember to subscribe to CanadianSME Small Business Magazine at  Inspired by David's guidance, let's continue to foster growth, innovation, and strategic excellence within our teams and businesses.